A photography business is like any other business, in general you get what you pay for. They provide a niche if they get to much business at 300 they have to put someone else on to help with the volume. If teir quality suffers they stop getting jobs and become just another statistic. Photography in many ways is like music, you do it because you like to it drives an inner passion and if you get good enough and are business savy you make some money. If you are exceptional you might get a full time gig and make really good money. No doubt there are some cowboys that give photographers a bad name but people are generally good to work out who they can use how much they have to spend and what result they will get. Some photographers will charge 240 for four hours work and give you the images. These are great to use for a web page or something that does not require high resolution. If you require printed output you might have to spend a lot more because there is lighting, placement and composition to consider.