Hi All!!!!!
I have been away for so long because of work... been too busy at work and when i get home, the last thing i want to do is face the computer.
I bought my niece a samsung point and shoot when she was 7 years old and then i bought her a video camera. Looking at her shots, i'm thinking she has a lot of potential and i really want to cultivate that.
She also has a keen interest in photography and sometimes i wish i have the child like view of the world cos' it's just so innocent and pure.
Anyway, I'm looking to get her a DSLR for Christmas this year and i'm just wondering if 9 years old is a bit too young?
Yet, i really want to nurture the craft in her and assist her with her interest.
You know it's difficult to get a child interested in anything these days - my older niece doesn't want to do anything but sit in front of her computer or television all day long.
So i'm really excited that my younger niece would even bother to do photography.
Anyway, is a DSLR too complex for a girl her age? if not, which DSLR is best to get for her?
I'm looking at something 2nd hand...hopefully be able to get her a pentax or nikon.
Any suggestions or views would be greatly appreciated.