Remember i mentioned i was asked to cover my friend's wedding? It was hot and crammed to the brim as his house was flooded so they had it in his apartment in the city instead. There were a total of 4 photographers (myself inclusive) and 4 videographers and everyone was getting in each other's way! It was mayhem. I managed to get some pretty decent shots in the end tho but wrestling with the other photographers and videographers and people who wanted to take their own photos took a toll on my stamina. The whole even lasted from 2am till 10am. It was nuts! I've had too many incidents where i've anticipated and framed the shot perfectly only to have people step right in front of me to block it, or another photographer moving in from another angle to get into the shot as well.

I personally do think the life of a wedding photographer is a tough one... but to epitomise wedding photography is really taking it a bit too far out.