Hey all.
Recently I've had an interest in taking some candid/street shots. I saw a video on Youtube the other day , done in America somewhere, where the photographer was just walking up to "interseting" people and asking if he could take a very candid, up close photo, I say up close as he was using a 50mm lens on a FF camera. Now what surprised me is that most of the people he asked were cool with the idea! I have no idea if the video was heavily edited or not but my question is.... would this technique work in Australia?
The Americans are somewhat extrovert in my opinion (not trying to generalise) but do you think Aussies would take the same attitude to having an intimate, very personal photo taken by a complete stranger, I have my doubts.
I would love to get the opinions or thoughts from others who are successful in their own street photography as to whether they use this technique or go for the more candid/discreet shot.
Thanks for any help.