I was getting lost on wiki in a web of interesting philosophies, and stumbled upon some things that I've wondered myself.

Every heard of Solipsism or more specifically Epistemological Solipsism?

From the latter, I found this text: "Epistemological solipsists claim that realism begs the question: assuming there is a universe that is independent of the agent's mind, the agent can only ever know of this universe through its senses. How is the existence of the independent universe to be scientifically studied? If a person sets up a camera to photograph the moon when they are not looking at it, then at best they determine that there is an image of the moon in the camera when they eventually look at it. Logically, this does not assure that the moon itself (or even the camera) existed at the time the photograph is supposed to have been taken. To establish that it is an image of an independent moon requires many other assumptions that amount to begging the question."

I'm interested in peoples thoughts on this. (Or being a potential solipsist myself, I should probably say, i'm interested in a discussion on this)