Oh yea - I remember when we were paid in cash and used a punch card to book into work.
I remeber paying cash for everything and there was no such thing as cc cards or plastic money, and
I remember my first job in 68 paid 11:50 a week (which I was uncertain of as decimal currency had only been in 3 yrs) and I paid baord and still saved money, and
I remember the earthquake @ 6.7 rickter just out of Perth that flattened Meckering - I thought it was the end of the world, and
I remember when a hand shake was a contract and you could feel a judgement of character with the same, AND
I remember my pop telling me man will never land on the moon, it is impossible for a space ship to fly to the moon and land - a couple of yrs later it happened :-)

I also remember the way of slang that has seem to all but gone - like tit for tat (hat) & sky rocket (pocket) and she'll be apples mate.
I do miss some of those old days.