I recently went up to an area I haven’t been for about 25 years. It was up at the head of the Murray River in an area called the Cobberas.
Last time I was there we had to walk about a kilometer to were the river was, on a fairly good track.
When I went up there this time the parking area was in a different spot, and I walked in about 8km and still didn’t arrive at the location. As it was getting late I was forced to return back to the car.

Now I agree that we must protect our flora and fauna, and protect areas for future generations. But is this necessary.
This is a lovely area, and should be for all to see. I believe that having a setup like that discriminates against the aged, frail and handicapped, who have no chance now to see such a lovely area. There would be no chance to push someone in a wheelchair to the area, or assist the elderly. To me great areas like this are only for the extremely fit walk a thousand mile type person.
Should we say that if you want to go to a major city, you must park 10km’s away and walk in. No.
If you want to go up to Mt Wellington, Mt Hotham or Mt Kosiusko should we ask people to park miles away, and walk to the top. I really don’t think so.

I know there must be many areas like this. There are many members involved with this forum that would not get a chance to see these Australian icons because of degree of fitness, or some form of disability.

Do you feel the same, or is it just me.