Hi all

Hoping I may be able to find an answer here in regards to Exposure Compensation as am a complete Beginner.
I tried taking some Sunset shots over the city this afternoon. I have been having trouble with the the Exposure Compensation meter (-, in my Canon EOS 1000D Handbook, they call it the Exposure level Indicator. Anyway, the needle is sitting on the (-2) and will no move no matter what I do, even changing the Shutter Speed and Aperture, it will not move which is very frustrating as a beginner! I have the ISO set to 100.
We were told that the when the needle sits in the middle on the (0) you will get a sharp picture. Up until now, the Exposure level mark would centre in the middle on the (0) if this makes sense.

Not sure if I have changed some settings without realising, I have checked the Metering mode is still set to Evaluative Metering, the Auto Exoposure Bracketing is off.
In the Introductory Photography course I have just completed, we were advised to only use Manual, not TV or AV. I have been reading some of the threads regarding AV and am going to try the AV setting for a while and see how I go with it.
Thank you in advance