I think they are two different species all together The excitement of opening the pack of prints is comparable to opening a file on the computer......but different! Once the prints are done ( especially if you had to trust both yourself and who ever developed them ) they are done......finished, you cant change them....but on the computer I can say hmmm what if I did this or that or pulled that colour up or whatever.......I couldn't do that in a dark room as I didn't have the knowledge .........I could have read books but it was way more difficult to put that into practice back then......but on the computer I can learn all sorts of skills........the magic of the internet and the people who share their skills online. Instantly...... ( within reason lol )

'Not having as many shots makes you think about each shot a bit more".........I think that depends on the person taking the pics........I am sooo not a run and gun with digital.... I wasn't with film either......but know people who were.....film was comparatively inexpensive.....tho not as inexpensive as files