Nice to say (because bloody good luck to him) my Aussie mate who now is based in the States, has just sold his first 1 Million Dollar Photograph !

I'm sure thats going to get people going - but the print only costs so much and the time it took was only so long, but hey, someone paid it and he sold it. So my hat goes off to an old friend who has managed to put a value on his work, and has had someone recognise and accept that.

Here's the story:

Calling it "the best shot I have taken in my lifetime," world-renowned photographer Peter Lik has sold his first million-dollar photograph, which he calls One: a fleetingly beautiful nature shot captured on the banks of the Androscoggin River in New Hampshire. The purchase amount for this work places Lik in rare company. The buyer, a private art collector represented by Joel Ehrenkranz of the law firm Ehrenkranz & Ehrenkranz LLP, completed the purchase in December and asked to remain anonymous.