I just read the last two editions of Capture Magazine. Some prominent Australian Portraiture Photographers were interviewed at length about the industry. Without fail all of these professional photographers took the opportunity to derogatory put the boot into "shoot & burn photographers", "Shopping Mall photographers", "Weekend Warriors", "Newbies with cameras" etc etc etc ad naseum.

It became to me extremely tiresome, yet an interesting insight to a group or genre of professional photographers desperate to be able to keep charging, what to me, seemed like exorbitant fees for their work.

The bemoaning of them being undercut by the cheek of "mere amateurs" (anyone who charged less than them) having the audacity to charge less was repeated often.

It was as I have mentioned very interesting reading and an insight into the psyche of at least these professional portrait photographers who were interviewed for the magazine article.

There were lots of examples of their work. To be honest there was nothing absolutely extraordinarily above what I have seen posted by "amateurs" on this Aussie forum and others.

It all just really smacked of elitism and a justification of their pricing structure.

Interested to hear anyones views who may have read the articles or just in general about pro's versus "weekend warriors" et al.