G'day Etheral

Regarding 3-section or 4-section legs ... while every joint introduces the potential for wobble, closed-storage-dimensions are also important for many of us ... will it fit into the cupboard at home, or the car boot?

Regarding leg-locking ... clips vs twisties. Over the years I have had both styles of leg-lockers.

All clips seem to lock okay, tho some need more finger pressure than others.
As to twisties - if you get sand into the internal locking mechanism, kiss it goodbye
My Manfrotto [now 4yrs old] is becoming an absolute bugger to use at times - if I have any moisture on the legs (say dew after a star trails pic) when it's put away, then it will not unlock afterwards to extend the legs ... getting to the stage where I need to carry a plumbers wrench (not kidding)

My next tripod will have clips for leg locking
Regards, Phil