I'm honing in on the upcoming Tax cheque time and moving from Video to Still Cams.

My choices are the 7D new
5D Mk ll second hand.

Now, what do I want out of this purchase?
In video I specialize in Bodyboarding, (surf filming)
I would like to occasionally shoot stills and therefore I am attracted by the frame rate of the 7D
However, my greater interest is in portraits and architecture subjects so the full frame on the 5D Mkll attracts me also..

My lens choices so far for both cams would be:

Canon 85mm f/1.8 USM
Canon 70-200 F/4L USM

Both of which I'm led to believe are fine portrait lens' in their own right with the added advantage of the 70-200mm being capable of shooting surf images i.e., at a decent distance.

I'm leaning toward the 7D due to it's capable frame rate but rather unsure of it's relatively new status and the fact that it's probably still a little early to know it's true pitfalls etc.

As for the 5D Mkll, this is tried and true right? from what I understand I cant go wrong?

Now I make no bones about it, both cams would be a very steep learning curve for me but I do have the advantage of knowing that I can adapt to pretty complex technology relatively easily.. (I think!)

Please, I implore you..
which way would you go?