Following on from a couple of threads I've been reading in regards to pricing, I am interested to see what on media you provide images to clients: Digital, prints or the option of both.

I can see the benefit of providing digital files to the client as it may prevent them from hassling you down the track for re prints etc. It also makes for a somewhat less complicated pricing scheme.

However I'm thinking of one potential disadvantage to not handling the prints yourself (albeit a very minor one).

In giving the client the digital images they can go re-cropping, editing, resizing the images etc perhaps degrading the quality of what you initally provided. Also the prints are printed at any lab , which may or may not have a proper colour management process in place.

So the prints that the client eventually get, still have your name associated with them, but may not be presented how you intended them to be.

So the advantage of handling the print yourself is that you have more control over the final output of the image and you are able to proof the images with your professional labs printer profiles so you have a pretty good idea of what the final product will look like.

A small issue for some, a non-issue for others. Some amy prefer saving time by providing digital files only. What are your thoughts?