Evening All.
I was just wondering if anyone could shed some light/ expertise.
I have a 3 month old And would love to take some cherishable pics of her. So far the ones I have taken have been okay- but not to the standard I want. The ones I keep getting are me looking like i am a pro when i am definatly not.

So has anyone got any suggestions for poses. As she is three months she cannot sit unaided and just slumps.
What I have been doing of late is putting a white sheet down on the bed, and propping her up from underneath with pillows- but the sheets cause shadows from being wrinkled by her weight on the soft surface.

I also have a two yearold as well, so would love to incorperate her into the pics.
Oh and I have a canon 500d, external flash,a tripod, uv filter and thats about it