Hi - I have just bought an external flash (SB600) for my Nikkon D90.

One thing I do not undersrand is how to correctly meter for a shot while using the flash.

The camera usually tells me the correct shutter speed to shoot in a particular apperture but that's with the existing lighting conditions. If I use the flash, the fact that there will be extra light available from the fladh is not known to the camera. the result is severe overexposure if I use the camera suggested reading AND the flash. I normally shoot in Manual mode and have to bypass the camera shutterspeed suggestion and shoot multiple stops under while using the flash and then work my way up until the correct exposure is recorded which is kind of hit and trial.

The other issue is often the exposure is either too dark or too bright and for portraits the subject (read family members) get frustrated to wait for multiple shots for the correct exposure.

Is there a better way to use the flash and metering? Please help....
