I have toyed with the idea of going to a Mac of some description, but I'm just not ready to make the switch at this stage. I am using Vista, and whilst there are alot of detractors of this operating system, I don't find it too bad. But I guess I have the option to upgrade to Windows 7 for a reasonable price, as I have only in the last year purchased Vista. But at a glance, and not knowing much about computers, it seems as though Windows 7 doesn't offer much over Vista and it seems to more of a Service Pack to me.

Have those who have switched to Windows 7 found that it has been a worthwhile switch? I understand that there would be minor improvements, but to do a clean install (I wouldn't do it any other way) isn't something that you do on a whim, and I'm not sure the value in the upgrade is there. Has your experience differed to my expectations? Would it make sense to go for a 64 bit system? To do that, do I just need to get another processor thing in my box?

Any help would be appreciated.