Ahh the joys of ebay,

Last week, I bought a near new lens, which arrived yesterday. I eagerly opened the package, examined the glass (always the first thing to do with a new lens) and found some weird looking marks internally. Yep, you guessed it, Fungus.

Neadless to say, I was not impressed.

Now, in total credit to the ebayer who sold the lens, they have offered and given a full refund and have said I can keep the lens. They said that they had used it once quite a few years ago (its an enlarger lens) and not used it since, hence the near new description.

Now, I have a lens with fungus. According to what I have seen on the net, the fungus is not overly much, but it would need to be cleaned or it will spread (& could also spread to other gear if not careful). I have been quoted around $50 to have it stripped and cleaned.

Has anyone here had a lens cleaned or done it themselves to remove fungus? If it is cleaned properly, what are the chances it will come back? I know that the glass may have some etching on it, but as long as the fungus is gone, it may still be fine enough to use.