Due to a discussion elsewhere I've been reminded of IBM's Thomas Watson's famous THINK motto.

"Thought," he says, "has been the father of every advance since time began. 'I didn't think' has cost the world millions of dollars."

So with digital photography do we just shoot away or do we think first?
How many times do we mess up a photo because we didn't engage our brain first?

Do you have a plan when you go out? Please suggest more!

Before you leave check list
- Camera
- Charged batteries
- Memory card(s)
- Right lenses
- Tripod, flash and filters
- Reflectors
- Bulb release cable or remote
- Other gear (eg. chargers, garbags to kneel on or use as rain protection etc.)

Before you start shooting check list
- Shooting mode (single, continuous, timer)
- Other menu settings
- M, Av, Tv etc
- Manual or Auto Focus

Each shot check list
- Focus
- Composition (rule of thirds, lines and angles)
- Light and reflections
- Flash
- Exposure (+/- Ev)

- Don't step backwards without looking first
- Be aware of you surroundings
- Be careful in the bush (snakes, spiders, bees etc.)