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Thread: Helpful Photoshop Tutorials - Burn and Dodge

  1. #1
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    Helpful Photoshop Tutorials - Burn and Dodge

    Hi all.

    Over the last week I've been playing around with PS CS3 and I came across some really good tutorials on how to burn (darken) and dodge (lighten) parts of your digital photo, rather than darkening/lightening the whole photo.

    Here a link to the website I found:

    As with most things you can do in PS, there are a few ways of doing the same action. These tutorials take you through some of these different processes and leave it up to you to decide which method works best for you.

    I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!


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  2. #2
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    there also is a way to do dodge and burn on seperate layers using the layers on soft light and a brush using black for burning and white for dodging ata low opacity if you dont like it rubbish bin it and all is gone

  3. #3
    Member rushnp774's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoogest View Post
    Hi all.

    Over the last week I've been playing around with PS CS3 and I came across some really good tutorials on how to burn (darken) and dodge (lighten) parts of your digital photo, rather than darkening/lightening the whole photo.


    I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!


    Thanks a ton for linking to my blog. I'm glad you found it so helpful. I know I found those videos extremely interesting and useful.

    If you or anyone else have anything you'd like to learn about, please let me know, and I'll try to write a post about it. I really enjoy writing about what my readers want to learn about.

    In the mean time, feel free to check out my latest post on Skin Smoothing in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by umajo View Post
    there also is a way to do dodge and burn on seperate layers using the layers on soft light and a brush using black for burning and white for dodging ata low opacity if you dont like it rubbish bin it and all is gone
    I linked a video or two in that post about that method too. Thanks for letting others know about that method. I use it a ton, and have been ever since I watched these videos.

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