Hi guys,

I am heading to the football (NRL the real kind of football ) this Sunday afternoon and i was wondering what settings you guys recon would be the best to use. This is the first time shooting anything like this so not really sure.

The gear i have to choose is in my signature i was thinking of just taking the 450D (of course), the 70-200mm II 2.8 Sigma, and the basic 18-55mm in case i want to take some close up of player etc.

The settings i was thinking of using was in TV mode at around 450-600 Shutter speed, and i just let the camera choose the aperture. I will use continuous shooting and AI focus mode.

Will the shutter speed be quick enough to provide sharp pictures? What metering mode should i use? And when your shooting sports like this what settings do you aim for?

Thanks in advance, Matt