Quote Originally Posted by swifty View Post
Hi everyone,
sorry for the delay. I havn't abandoned the thread.. I've just been rather busy in the last week or so.
Anyways.. I think its easiest if I just set a day and ppl can pop down if they are free unless that day is bad for almost everyone.

Provisional date of meet:
Sunday 8th March
Time: After lunch say 2 or 3pm
Location: Pyrmont (I will scout around for more specific places)
Triggering system: play by ear. I don't know what everyone has and in the event everyone has different systems, at least we can have a look to see how it works in real life as oppose to just reading about it.

PM me if you are able to make it and we can exchange mobile numbers.
oops.. try again. I just realized I picked a date that Chikabelly said couldn't do.
How bout the following Sunday. the 15th March.
Same location and time