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Thread: Bird strike on the window

  1. #1
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    Bird strike on the window

    This morning I heard a great wallop on one of the picture windows and knew straight away that it was a bird strike, went out and found a beautiful little eastern Spinebill lying on it's back and I thought straight away that it was dead. I picked it up luckily just before the dogs found it and I could just see one of its eyelids was moving. Thought it had absolutely zero chance.

    I got Jenny to grab a tea towel and on our front deck we made a little igloo with the tea towel propped up and got some pieces of firewood on both ends so the bird was out of the wind but it was protected and have a little bit of warmth.

    We looked out the window every 10 minutes and I kept on thinking that it was dead, but we started to see a few movements over the next hour, a little later it stood up an hour later it was walking around on the table and then flew off, so that was a really happy outcome, one of my favourite little birds!

  2. #2
    Administrator bitsnpieces's Avatar
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    Photos or it didn't happen :P

    Glad the little guy got better
    David Tran
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  3. #3
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    I didn't even think about it David, I was virtually certain that the bird was as good as dead.

    When I picked it up, the first thing I checked was its beak and I was happy to see that it was intact. Their beaks (all birds) are unfortunately something that often breaks with a window strike.

  4. #4
    Ausphotography irregular Mark L's Avatar
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    Well done Bear. If it wasn't for your dog I'd have just left the bird and see if it recovered like many birds somehow do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear Dale View Post
    I didn't even think about it David, I was virtually certain that the bird was as good as dead.

    When I picked it up, the first thing I checked was its beak and I was happy to see that it was intact. Their beaks (all birds) are unfortunately something that often breaks with a window strike.
    We have a visiting female king parrot that has lost her bottom beak. I smash de-husked sunflower seed up for her to eat. She must get some food elsewhere also. She seems healthy but her top beak is getting quite long without the friction of chewing seed. I'm not sure how this turns out.

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