Quote Originally Posted by John King View Post
Much better IMO.

I would never buy a camera without some kind of VF.
In fact, I upgraded my E-510 to an E-30 almost completely because of the 1:1 100% OVF of the latter.

Amen to that sentiment. I have just bought a Nikon B700 for a travel camera because I am over carting around a heavy SLR plus a bag of lenses. The Nikon is heavier than the Fuji it replaced but still light enough to hang around my neck for extended periods and it really can handle almost every situation I am likely to come across. I particularly like the 60x zoom (so long as I can find a suitable post or wall to lean against.)

One final thought - travel from Australia is expensive and the most important thing is to enjoy the experience yourself - not see everything through a viewfinder.