When I was reading about medium format awhile ago, i happened to read some blogs and forums on Rolleiflex medium format 120 rollfilm. The more i read about it the more I fall in love with the model and most importantly, the photos this thing can produce. SO GORGEOUS!!

As black and white photo lover, I ve been trying to close my brain about getting a 3.5F model (2.8 is bit more expensive) and been telling myself, this is not something I want to do (with the hassle of roll film developing and possibility to purchase a high resolution scanner to digitalize the print. I ve been telling myself aa ah aa ah, no no no but the more I read about it the more I want it,

And just yesteday, I watched a movie in netflix called BOKEH (was interesting title thought it was something about photography in apocalypse world) and guess what? The main character in that movie is USING ONE OF THIS CAMERA!!! Traveling in iceland with his fiancee taking pics with rolleiflex. The model itself makes me drool so much as I love things classical ( I play 1926 made CONN silver plated tenor saxophone) and at the end of the movie, they show B/W prints taken with that camera, the B/W composition is just gorgeous. I couldnt believe myself and went online to get more sample pictures taken by this camera and, I fall deeper in love with it.

So I am writing this hoping you can shut my brain not to get it with whatever reason, so please tell me whats the worst thing i will experience with this camera other than service cost, filmroll cost and the rarity of spare parts (i have factored those in my brain but it refuses to cure the GAS attack)
Help! lol