Ken has decided enough is enough and that photography should be about photos taken, not manipulation

If you are unable to see FB, then here is a copy of Ken's post:

Ken Duncan

As an honorary life member of the AIPP I am concerned about the regulations and judging criteria of their Photo Awards after seeing the results from this years competition.
Congratulations to Lisa Saad for winning the 2016 Australian Professional Photographer Awards with a series of illustrations.
With no disrespect to Lisa who is obviously a very talented person I just personally don't get it. How these illustration could be considered photographs as lovely as judges may think they are.
The word Photography comes from the Greek words Photos: Light and Graphos: Drawing so photography is 'drawing with light'.
This illustration and the others from the series have little to do with reflected light but more about creation by manipulating and creating pixels.
I believe the AIPP have lost their way with the APPA awards as they seem to be hijacked by manipulators. Now I don't have a problem with post processing to a degree but when it gets to to point of having no connection to reality it then enters the world of illustration. If this trend is going to continue unchallenged and not looked at then may be the awards should really be renamed. The initials obviously no longer stand for the Australian Professional Photography Awards so maybe they really need to call them what they have become the 'Australian Professional Photoshop Awards'.

And here is a link to the 'photo' he is talking about. It is the top left image (click in it to see it in full). However Ken's article refers to all the winner's images and how he sees them as illustrations. Not photos.
