Quote Originally Posted by Tannin View Post
Cheers Dolina.

Back in 1878, Leo Tolstoy answered that question better than I can when he wrote: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

There is very little to say about the 5D IV. It delivers wonderful picture quality without the slightest fuss. It's as small and light as you could reasonably expect a camera of this class to be; it has very nearly all the features I can think of that are useful to me, and a lot of features that I'll never use but might be useful to someone else; the Canon user interface has been refined and polished and improved and refined again over the 15 years since the pioneering D60 was released and is very nearly perfect.

The sensor is a joy: examine this example -


(Resized full-frame image from a 5D IV and 100-400 II. Not cropped or post-processed. ISO 400, f/8, 1/2500th.)


(100% crop, still not post-processed in any way. Now it's far from a perfect picture, but considering the insane crop involved, it's pretty amazing just the same.)

Plus it is compatible with, all things considered, the best range of lenses on the market. It might strike you as a bit expensive, but when you consider how much better it is than pretty much anything else in the Canon range - in many regards superior to the 1D X II at twice the price - it is more properly regarded as a bargain.

There are tasks for which another model might be better suited, in particular the 7D II (birding), the 80D (macro), and either the 7D II or the 1D X II (action sport), and for many uses a much cheaper model might be equally useful - I'd rather have an 80D and a quality lens than a 5D IV and a cheap one - but for all-round quality and value, I reckon it can't be beat.
Nice pics - thanks for sharing.