Quote Originally Posted by ameerat42 View Post
Cheapest - and sanest of the lot, and yes, I have seen many books on Photoshop - is what you find in
the Help menu item of Photoshop itself. (F1 key is a shortcut to the main part), but have a look at the selected topics
under Help itself.
Agree completely.

I mean, many such books are fine - for trying to interpret the books themselves. Who wants to wade through badly written
prose with oodles of Hints, Tips, Warnings, and all that jazz thrown in?
That's exactly why I recommended both these books - they aren't full of such BS! I might not agree with Kelby's choice of settings, but his methodology is brilliant ... Schewe and Fraser is more oriented towards the overall use of the tools, but is clear, concise and excellent in that way.

And you can just ask here, too.
Hmmm. There are undoubtedly many experts here, including, to some degree, myself. However, these things are often best explained by one person, not a multitude. It is also often good to have a 'recipe' that one can follow until one feels confident enough to develop one's own recipe/s. Just IMHO, FWIW.