This is a problem I've always had. Beautiful white tree trunks in front of our eyes, dull boring tree trunks once the photo is on the computer. I've never really solved it other than post processing, and even then it is never the same. I just wish there were an answer, because sometimes the tree trunks look so spectacular They almost glow in front of our eyes.

If there are just a few trunks, I just use a white brush at 10 -20 % on an overlay layer above the image. It works best if the surrounding trees are very dark. When there are a lot of trees like in your photo, it is more of a problem. It works OK where there is plenty of black between the trunks, but where the branches intermingle, it's not too good. Upping the contrast can work a bit as well.

This is when I find presets handy. When I run out of manual ideas, I just run a whole lot of presets from Topaz and Perfect Effects and see if one of those will help. The presets can be individually tweeked.

The second image may not have the white tree trucks, but there are some beautiful tones going in the photo, so I like it how it is. I like the composition of it very much.