We could set it for early-ish morning again like last time .. coffee and/or a spot of breakky if you're into that kind of thing.

Geoff! .. make an offer for an estimated starting time, and I'll be there.

Some info to keep in mind:

Sunrise for this date is 7:37AM .. Sunset 5:11PM
(moon times/phases aren't particularly noteworthy tho)

So, an evening shoot, would technically be starting at about 5-5:30 or so .. so it won't be a very late day if anyone wants to hang about.

The more pertinent question is WHERE we all start the meetup .. as well as (roughly) what time.

I'm thinking, because of the parking and close proximity to town and surrounding nice garden-ish area .. up near the botanical gardens again
Free all day parking along those side roads between the gardens and St Kilda Rd.

Leave the car there .. walk down to the river again .. coffee .. breakky(if you need it) .. etc, etc ... and then just mosey along without any sense of direction, nor a plan .. as we always seem to do it.

Once we work out the where and what time .. I'll edit the title of the thread to reflect this in the title.

I'll post my phone number in the thread(later) as a point of contact for the committed .... but also for those who may be unsure of whether they want to come not, but do decide at the last minute that they do want to join up.

In the mean time, all we can do is hope that the weather is kind to us.