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Thread: Melbourne Laneways and arcades

  1. #1
    Ausphotography Veteran Boo53's Avatar
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    Melbourne Laneways and arcades

    Not strictly a Ausphotography outing but our little camera club is struggling for numbers and all are welcome.

    This Saturday we are going to meeting at Spencer st Station around 12 and then heading down to the historic arcades for a bit of a look see and photo ops, then after a quick lunch we'll meet up with any others from the club around 2.00 at the City Square (not fed square) and having a look at the more interesting laneways and external buildings in better light, then dwn to the Botanic garden.

    Any Ausphotography member is free to join in with the proviso that you help with more inexperienced members. We'll be catching a train home to the bush (Wallan, Kilmore, Bradford and Seymour about 7.00 is, but feel free to keep going).

    Any interested contact me on 0418372715

  2. #2
    Join Date
    03 Dec 2013
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    I have just moved back to VIC and would be keen to join you and some others sometime on an urban adventure such as this.
    I need to plan well in advance as I often work weekends.
    Main Body D800E plus a bunch of other Nikon stuff
    "The eye sees what it wants to see and the camera sees the rest" Nick

    sapiens populus eo per camelus

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