Thank you for the suggestions, and I didn't know they had the FZ1000 now - thanks.

I'll have to ask my friend again with regards to size - I forgot what he said initially.

I also apologise as I forgot to mention that his max budget would be about $500 - which is why I looked into a bridge first, as they are generally cheaper than a DSLR.
Of course, I'm sure you can still find a great DSLR and tele combo, and it's definitely something to consider. And because I wouldn't know of this combo, hence I'm on here too

So, he has an iPhone 4s, or 5s, or something, and he's wanting more. He's interested in great quality photos (true, it does come down to the photographer, but having a camera you can rely on is also another thing right? So crisp images, clean, etc), can zoom (somewhere between the 200-400mm line), can work well during darker situations, and he said preferably not have to change lenses (true, you can buy a zoom lens, but it comes down to total costs for lens and body right? But I think he just has a feeling of just incase, less complications, etc)

He's simply interested in getting that quick shot, memory, fun. He's not interested in pursuing much more really, but whenever he feels like doing something extra, like a little macro, or zoom, or some colour effects, etc (like what phone cameras have), it'd be nice that they were there.

I'll ask again about camera size.