I have recently been posting images of Scarlet Honeyeaters and have had some problems with not over-saturating the reds. It made me think that this is most likely due to a mix of pigment and structural colour for the reds. This would create the problem I am having where the red is much brighter than it should be if it were merely a pigment. Artists (painters) have struggled with this problem for centuries, as no pigment based colour can represent the brightness of a structural colour. The classic problem is how to represent a peacocks tail or the feathers on a pheasant when they glow in the sun. No pigment can show this as the effect is as if the colour is reflecting more than 100% of the incident light. This is obviously not possible with a pigment, but it is possible with a structural colour.

Has anyone else thought about this or had any bright ideas. One way is to avoid sunshine - and it is possibly the only way.