A reminder to everyone not to slack off with your image back-ups.
Having moved to a new city a year ago, I became complacent and too lazy to have 2 copies of back-ups like I normally would.
Anyways, long story short my external HDD failed and I'm looking at potentially loosing most of my RAWs for the last year.
Luckily most edited photos are online somewhere but if I can't recover the RAWs I loose the opportunity to re-work old RAWs or edit ones I've overlooked in the past.
Anyways, will need to visit a data recovery specialist soon.

Can anyone give me an idea of my chances of recovery if the HDD won't mount (in OS X or Windows) although the power lights up when I connect the USB cable and though the Western Digital diagnostic software recognises the HD, it shows up as zero bytes and fails the S.M.A.R.T. test.