I raised this topic today on a different forum (not photography) with perhaps a different mix of opinions. I'm interested to see what differing points of view are here.

I enjoy photography & playing the guitar, and I appreciate the wonderful talent involved in the theatre, music & dance, and I do think funding the Arts is important to society.....

But, sometimes I wonder at some of the projects our gov’t sinks money into. Here’s a few examples of state arts funding that make you wonder ..umm why?

$4000. Ms xxxxx will be undertaking eight weeks work experience with Thomas Rentmeister in Berlin and eight weeks self-directed research into experimental food happenings in Germany, Paris and Italy.

$30,000 - to investigate human-impacted landscapes in the USA and respond to these landscapes through the mediums of sculpture and photography.

$10,000 - the development of Untitled, a series of abstract photographs that explore memory
$12,000 - Development of "The last car park", a self-generating sculptural installation using new technology.

Are we keeping food in the mouths of people who otherwise cannot get a real job?

I love seeing what creative people can come up with, but seriously, $30k to go to another country to interpret how they have trashed the place - I'm sure we have plenty of places like that here