I have been asked by a potential client if I can provide a stop motion video for their wedding package. They provided a "friends" protected video as an example, it was the most spectacular display of a wedding I have ever seen, obviously very talented producer. I was inspired and researched that stop motion or slide shows are increasing in popularity. I emailed this client back and was honest about my current experience with stop motion (none) and my excitement about expanding into this aspect of photography, I also said that I would research the time commitment to produce and give them a quote. After going through some lynda.com classes, I am no closer to giving a quote. It feels like it is happening too quick (still about 12 months util the wedding, but I like to know I can do a great job) I would hate to say here is my price, you will get a beautiful stop motion video at the end...

Has anyone had a similar experience?

I am thinking of valuing the video similar to an album considering the work involved, would you agree?

Thank you for any insight or advice you can share,