I was given some advice for wedding photography that in order to make sure 9/10 photos have the eyes in focus to shoot between 3.5 - 5.6. I didn't really like this advice because I believe you should be able to nail the focus at the sweet spot of your lens (2-2.2 for my lenses) and I know plenty of photographers that shoot wide open at 1.2 or 1.4!

The same photographer suggested I use the "one shot AF" focus on my Canon- focus and then recompose my shot. This has worked ok in the past, especially when working with one AF point, but I'm concerned about shooting with large appetures and by recomposing i wont nail that focus.

My question is - for those of you who are experienced in portrait photography- do you use the focus/recompose method? Or do you manual focus? Or do you do something else!

Do you think the recommendation of taking couples portraits in that range appeture is correct? 3.5 -5.6? I guess wedding photographers would feel the stress of not nailing the focus more- what appetures do you shoot at mostly?