Two years ago we moved to PNG. Knowing that we'd be flying a lot, we bought two iPod classics for our girls (then aged 2 and 3 1/2). We downloaded movies and tv shows and they were invaluable.

Fast forward to September this year when we were packing to come to Thailand for a few months. One iPod and headphones was missing as was one of the girls digital cameras (the joys of a developing nation - most likely taken by a housekeeper we only had for a week or a workman in the house)

We battled on with one iPod that the girls shared. But our delightful 4 year old left that in a taxi last week!

Which brings me to the point of this post (I do get there eventually!)

The girls are now older (almost 6 and 4 1/2). We would like to get a tablet that they can watch movies on but that we can also download educational games onto (like reading eggs).

iPad mini should be released here in Bangkok in about two weeks and that is our initial thought. But are there others that are suitable? Bangkok is awash with tablets of all varieties, but the language barrier makes it difficult to get good customer service.

Hubby and I both have iPads so don't really know much about the other tablets and how they operate. Are there app stores where you go to download apps?
