Took the dog for a walk and she managed to find herself a "prize" and she seemed quite proud of it! Didn't really pay too much attention to it at the time of discovery as it just looked like another bone that she had found and she continued to chew on it for the rest of the walk. Once we got home and looked at the actual item, it was quite a strange looking thing.

It appears to be made of bone and has 6 individual "fingers" or prongs at one end, then flatten out come together. It is about 30mm wide at the pointed end and about 50mm wide at the flattened or joined end. The amount you can see in the 2nd last images is about 200mm (8") of it, but it started out at about 600mm (24") long before our dog chewed the end off it on her way home. The end that she had chewed away was probably a tad wider and flatter, maybe 60-70mm wide. It smells of fish, so I am assuming it is an ocean creature's bone of some sort but have no idea what.

If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.

The "finger" or pointed end

Side view

Showing how they come together and flatten out a tad.

Close up of the "fingers"

Close up of where they come together and flatten out. It is quite stronge and can't be easily split apart.

A more complete view. Further to the right, out of the photo, it is quite badly chewed by our dog so not much use for the photo. All of it is joined together and as I say, basically impossible to pull apart without destroying it all.

End view