I was mostly disappointed that the shot that won the most recent show was really just a stroke of luck, not really an indication of the skill of the photographer. I know luck is involved in photography, but the other two were better photographers than the winner. Most of her shots (well, what they flashed up on screen) were just horrible grab shots. I think she got really lucky and probably had no idea what she was taking at the time she pressed the shutter button. I could be wrong... Hey, I am not a great photographer, so I would be a it embarrassed if they told me on a television show they could see me working as a professional photographer, when I know I am a longgggg way from that level. While the first lady presented a shot that was not strictly landscape, isn't part of photography making the best of the situation you are placed in? She probably discarded some photos that were a better representation of the brief and may have won, but she chose what she thought was the best shot overall.

Maybe I am being a bit harsh. It just horrified me to see her walking around with a misty lens and shooting one handed, madly clicking away at whatever was in front of her. The shot she presented was OK, but would have been much better if she got down low and made the foreground a little more prominent. Can anyone work out why she would lug a tripod around and not use it? Let's leave our other lens and lens cap etc in the car, but carry around a tripod and balance it under our arm while shooting one handed..... Arghh. Guess I am being a bit of a photo snob, as I really don't think she should have won. It would be a very challenging situation to be thrown into, as you are being scrutinised and all your mistakes are being shown to the world. Tough job under those conditions and I doubt I could do better, but it is hard not to be critical.