Quote Originally Posted by Mary Anne View Post
I think I used to have one of those lighters years ago when I lived in Melbourne to light the BBQ or was it the Cook Top are they the ones you mean


you're probably thinking of the same thing. They're the type that used to only create a spark after building up an amount of resistance, where it would then make a click and the spark would jump between the centre electrode and the edge of the tip.

What you do with it, is to pull out the spark making 'doodad' and then point the device at the sensor, and squeeze the trigger to the point of popping but not past the point of popping. This bulids up an amount of static, which counteracts the charge of the sensor area and apparently loosens the dust.

But other things got in the way since I read about this, and the copperhill kit works so well, that it's really not a necessary step to do.

All I do is to use clean canned air to quickly blow out any loose dust within the mirror box before cleaning with the copperhill kit.
After a single swipe with the copperhil kit, check the sensor for any more dust, and if more exists do it again..... and so on, until it's clean!